الأربعاء، 31 أكتوبر 2012

غضب الانترنت

اجريت دراسة على عادات البعض مع الكمبيوتر وخضع لها 4200 موظف وعامل في بريطانيا وفرنسا وبلجيكا والسويد والمانيا, واعترفوا بغضبهم الشديد الذي عادةً يكون بسبب عطل مفاجئ او فيروسات تغزو الكمبيوتر وبعض الايميلات المزعجة او سرعة الانترنت, التي تجعل الشخص يفقد السيطرة على هدوء اعصابه وردود افعاله.
وبدأت الظاهرة تغزو المكاتب والمنازل في مختلف دول العالم من خلال تعاملهم الدائم مع الانترنت وعالم الكمبيوتر, فقد اعترف مستخدم كمبيوتر انه كسر اصبعه وهو يحطم شاشة جهازه, واخر قام بانتزاع شاشة الجهاز امام زملائه والقى بها من النافذة من الدور الخامس.

السبت، 13 أكتوبر 2012

Nawras & Omanmobile

Nawras and Omanmobile are most used communication providers in Oman. As we Know recently many people in different places in Oman face problems with the network and they are complaining and contact with customer service department for these companies to improve their network but there is no respond.
Gulf countries like KSA reach 4G network but we are still with 3G and not in all places in Oman, that's make me very miserable when I go there and use their network providers. however, in Oman, customers power in this field is low because we have few choices in the marketplace and there is no new competitors may force these companies to improve their network.
I expect people here will suffer from the new phenomenon " called Wrath of the internet" which will be my topic next time(غضب الانترنت)  

الثلاثاء، 2 أكتوبر 2012

IT Offers Career Opportunities

There is no doubt that the beginning of 21st century has witnessed enormous and unprecedented progress in business and its all enterprises that led to creating a large number of career opportunities for people. However, at the same time it became completely obvious that the growth of business’s performance was actually a result of using Information Technology in the most companies and organizations. The Information Technology (IT) has contributed considerably to the development of all enterprises in business and remarkably improved the functionality of organizations that adopted the IT into their processes.



Along with the continuous using of IT in business, more and more people were getting involved in this department by specializing in IT-related majors of tertiary education. Besides, numerous courses and workshops have been provided in order to fully qualify candidates to this profession. However,the IT progress’s honeymoon did not seem to be long-lasting. Therefore, before long the troubles occurred when almost all organizations announced no more jobs in this industrywhile the number of candidates for this profession was and still is increasing. Meanwhile, people who have an interest in IT department no longer have the chance to follow their preference and will be forced to resort to other choices of majors that are available.